Sunday, November 7, 2021

Andy Griffith Became A Target To Woke Culture... One Sunday Morning

A few months ago, one Saturday night, I watched a wonderful Andy Griffith Special I found on YouTube with my children. It was a touching revisit to the set just prior to Andy Griffith's death. I highly recommend it if you have not seen it. The visit included the cast, Andy, and Ron Howard. It brought a tear to my eyes watching it. Andy always reminded me of my father. My father was a gentle giant and hero of mine. He was also a police officer. And, he resembled Andy Griffith both in looks and temperament. 

When my children were younger, we watched together the Andy Griffith show. I enjoyed watching the show with them and often times we talked about the episodes. Whether people realized it or not, there was always a moral to most stories on the show that allowed for amazing conversations with my children. I have 4 children. 2 that I adopted two from India and Twin boys in 10th grade. During their developmental years, we all watched the show together. 

The following Sunday morning, I watched Sunday Morning on CBS. They advertised that Ted Koppel was going to take a sentimental journey to the real Mayberry. The preview was so exciting, I woke my boys up to watch it with me. I couldn't believe it. How amazing was it that I could enjoy to sentimental events of a show we all enjoyed during the same weekend?  Jane Pauley even teased me with a teaser that included the song. The song that I even included in my father's funeral video. I told the boys, this is going to be epic! I loved the title of the segment, "Mayberry comes to life." I thought to myself, this was going to be pretty special.

It was special alright. Unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. It started off with Ted Koppel introducing the birthplace of Andy Griffith. He was born in Mount Airy North Carolina. The town is the adopted town that inspired the show. There is a museum curator that joins Ted in a historical conversation. As a former Social Studies teacher, I am liking this start to the segment. Then, Koppel starts his own take within two minutes of the segment and says, "The show captured a reality that never was." I had a sinking feeling that this was going to be more about Ted Koppel's apostatizing wokeness than it was about The Andy Griffith Show. I felt duped. So did my kids. It turned south quickly. 

He walks around Mt. Airy looking for examples of hypocrisy. He first stumbles upon a couple with
their young son. He asks them why they are there. The couple responds, "My son loves Andy Griffith. He watches it sometimes four hours a day." Koppel goes in for the attack. He says, "Arent you worried his brain will turn to mush!' They justify their parenting by saying, "It's a wonderful comedy that teaches morals." We live in a society where kids are raised playing violent tech games. With such precision, they can pick up a gun for the first time and kill their classmates. Yet, Koppel is worried about the harm this show can do to a child. 

(What this family does not know is Koppel's own child was found in an NYC apartment from a day-long drinking binge. I wonder how fair it is to judge parenting when people are not armed with the facts of the possibility of Koppel's own possible parenting failures. Koppel lived a life of a journalist. He most likely did not play a major role in his children's upbringing due to her responsibilities to his career. Yet he attacks a family that watches a wholesome show together and brings their child to Mayberry.) 

Koppel continues to meet the local folks. His goal is to challenge the historical context of the show. This is leading up to his context and bias towards the south, more than a historical discussion. The good people of Mt. Airy quickly pick up on his attempts to portray the show as naive. He quickly brings in Race and the Vietnam War as counterintuitive examples to the show's wholesomeness. What bothers me most is he tries to manipulate us with examples of history from the South implying social injustices were ignored by the show. Here is where the seeds of division are planted. This is now a hit piece on southern culture by implying hate was unique to the south and the show ignored it. I am pretty confident the entire country was guilty of hate. Racism whether hidden or in front of us is not different. Koppel wanted to blame the ignorant southerners and they quickly picked up on his bias. 

He points out, that the show was void of African-Americans. He never mentions that this criticism was first brought to our attention by African-Americans back in the '60s and '70s regarding all television shows. The same evolution he implies was unique to The Andy Griffith Show was actually the norm. In fact, Rod Serling from the Twilight Zone had the same problem. He had to use white actors to discuss social injustices for each episode. 

Koppel goes on to interview three African-Americans who moved back to Mount Airy. He asks them to describe life back in 1973. They share a story of a diner in which they could purchase a meal, yet they were not welcome. This is Koppel's "Gotcha Moment." As someone who grew up in the North as a child during 1973 in the liberal state of New York, I can tell you this was the norm. African-American experiences like this were not unique to the south. It happened throughout our country. Segregation as described was an unspoken rule. Being treated as a lesser existed throughout our culture. Koppel continues the conversation the fantasy is unique to Mt. Airy. And then comes the final twist.

Koppel wants to explore the ignorance of the south by turning the conversation to Trump, Biden, and the election. Now, remember, the title of this segment is "Mayberry Comes To Life." Koppel clearly manipulated the audience into thinking this was a nostalgic look back at the show. Jane Pauley teased us with a picture of Andy Griffith with a show tune. Clearly, this was not what happening. The goal of this vignette was to portray the south in a manner that was fitting to liberal narrative. And this last part of the segment really went south. 

Koppel decides to ask the museum curator, "Don't you have people that believe that the election was won by Trump?" Implying this was unique to Mt. Airy. The demographics for this narrative are not unique to the south. I live in a poor rural area in Upstate New York. We probably have more signs per capita for Trump than Mt. Airy North Carolina. And they are doozies. F-Bomb Joe Biden can is seen all over our area. Yet Koppel thinks he is on to something. Mayberry is still a fraud. Can you believe it?

Koppel takes a trolley and speaks to the local folks. He engages the crowd about the election. (Where's Andy?) The crowd obliges and said they think the election was rigged. They also doubted the insurrection. It was a well-staged event to prove Koppel's narrative that the south is racist and ignorant. Similar to the North, he could have traveled to a local university or large municipality and found differing opinions. He knows that, but he intended to prove his point.

The most powerful part of this segment was a woman on the Trolley really brought out what Koppel was truly trying to do. She said, "I hope it is not your intent to air this show and imply southerners are a bunch of dumb idiots." That's exactly what this segment was about. I was surprised that was not cut out of the segment. The producers, by leaving this in really gave me a talking point with my own children. That was exactly was the purpose of this broadcast. 

The bottom line is parents need to talk to their kids (Young and Old) about the dangers of media bias. Journalists are supposed to be neutral. Clearly, Koppel had strong opinions about the south. He had no intention of discussing anything remotely about the show itself. He wanted to provide his take and whether he realizes it or not, go against the main theme of The Andy Griffith show itself, If we promote a sense of decency and morals as part of any storyline, people will find value in it. Context matters. The show was produced during a time of injustice. However, it tried to provide themes that give us the tools to help us overcome injustice. That's why the show was special. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

What America Can Learn From Black Panther

A lot has been made about the new Black Panther movie. Originally, for me, the excitement of the Marvel franchise was my motivation to watch the movie. Marvel comics have been a part of my life for the last 40 years. The Marvel Universe has been a joy to read since I was a child, and to witness the transformation in cinema has been an amazing experience.

Some of the hype for Black Panther is different from past offerings from Marvel. Black Panther reflects African-American heritage. The story line is unique. The audience is taken to a world of wonder in Africa, that no one knew about. We meet the Wakandans... an advanced civilization. However, the creative twist is that the Wakanda kingdom ignored the plight of the rest of the world, which provides an interesting take on oppression.

This is why I enjoy reading Marvel Comics. Marvel, unlike their DC counterpart has always intertwined social issues into their story line. Each superhero has a flaw that represents the world we live in. Black Panther provides an alternative reality that allows the reader, and viewer to think about oppression. The movie Black Panther was well written, and delved into relevant issues that impact all Americans.

Even with all of the talking points about the story, there was a subtle story line that deserves to be a part of the conversation merely by attending the movie Black Panther. The talking point is segregation. The movie, depending on where you live demonstrates that we as a society have strong elements of segregation.

I live in community of us and them. Minorities see the world through the eyes of an Anglo-American bias. Attending the movie Black Panther truly brought this to light. What struck me about going to see Black Panther was the amount of African-Americans that I saw at the movies. It was the most diverse representation of an audience I have seen in our city. It lead me to ask, why is that? The answer, Hollywood movies for the most part, speak to white America. More importantly, local cinema offerings do not bring us together.  What struck me is that most people in the theater did not notice the subtle change in audience. Black Panther is a lesson is the importance of cultural diversity in all that we do as a society.

The diversity of our society is truly not represented in our mainstream cinema. It is important for whites to imagine what the world must seem like for people of color. When whites see the world with a critical lens, our society can connect indifference to intolerance. This leads to further questions. When people of color are not represented in positions of power, how does that shape your reality? It transcends gender and color. When children, see a white world, they see reality that does not speak to their own. Segregation starts in our schools, and expands as adults with opportunities for financial success. Power structures are consistent with our childhood upbringing, and then we begin to mistrust what is seen as reality. This is what we can learn about Black Panther. If we could represent our world equitably in cinema, and power structures, we begin to see the world in an inclusive manner.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Inequities Of Back To School

For the past several years, I have witnessed an increasingly inequitable school supply list define a child in school based on class. As an educational professional, and as a parent I am concerned how the school supply list defines a child's sense of self. Increasingly, children are growing up in a caste system defined by the corporate nature adopted by our educational system. Unfortunately, the divide between have's and have not's can be defined by a child's level of preparedness in our schools and their ability to provide their own supplies for learning.

This year, the supplies for my children have sky rocketed past the 200.00 level. The lists are extensive. In middle school, each teacher has a list and it is very specific. As I shop for supplies every year, I wonder how a child in poverty, or a child going through unfortunate circumstances can afford the lists that haunt so many families.  School supplies will define a child on the first day of school. It is literally the first impression their classmates and teacher will have to define who a child is economically.

A child's ability to provide for supplies is more important than some realize. Kids and adults notice the differences. Many communities try to compensate the divide through giveaways. Giveaways unfortunately have a habit of  defining the child's social status. For example, kids know the difference between the expensive backpacks that are reserved for the upper class children versus the giveaway backpack. Brand names for supplies will also define who a child is when they start school. There is a big difference between name brand supplies versus the inferior products children will get in their backpack giveaways.

Technology is another barrier. Calculators for example define status. Kids will come to school with one that their parents purchased, or they will have to sign one out from their school. There is a big difference when a child loses one from their parents, versus the countless reminders their teacher will give them about taking care of the school's calculator. This defines class, as surely as a free and reduced lunch provides a sense of self in school.

Some children will come to school unprepared as they missed the backpack giveaway. All year, a few will hear the chatter of frustrations from teachers and classmates. The phrase "Can I borrow" becomes a lightning rod of frustration. "Why can't you just come to class prepared" is their new mantra that greets many kids that are unprepared.

The United States Public Education system has become by definition, a symbol of class warfare. The kids with expensive I Phones and Nike Shoes sit along side their classmates with minimal means. The school supplies add to the frustrations of kids who lack the proper resources due to poverty. Kids will learn about an unjust world in which some children struggle for basic clothing and supplies. The disparities serve as a daily reminder of their status in the world they live in.

The caste system that exists in schools has long term detrimental effects on children in poverty. Some children coming to school with minimal supplies. They will be grouped with their peers of "unprepared to learn" learners. This reduces their access to educational opportunities due to their status, versus their ability to learn. Research has shown that the disparities due to poverty are barriers to access to educational opportunities.

Equitable funding is the only solution and it seems we are nowhere close to considering an approach that provides school supplies for children anytime soon. It is a simple solution, however our current political landscape will not allow for such thinking. In the meantime, our country will continue to remind kids that the caste they are born into, will be increasingly difficult to leave without an equitable system of education funding and opportunities.


Sunday, July 23, 2017

The NY 22 and Goodfelllas - You Serious?

We are a long way away from the NY 22nd Congressional vote, however the first glimpse of Tenney's strategy was an ugly one. So far, the strategy of her campaign is simple. She wants to try to use the national strategy of Donald Trump to divide the NY 22 based on demographics that she feels play into her hands. Otherwise known as, "the Trump Effect."

The problem with the Trump effect is that it divides the electorate by hate. This will not play well in our district due to the Democrats choosing a viable candidate early that represents a wider representation of values. When Anthony Brindisi announced he was running, it was clear from her response how she would run her campaign. Label him as a Progressive, align him with Pelosi and Cuomo and then attack him for being a liberal. Nothing of substance, just try to use fear to divide the NY 22nd.

Tenney has a problem however. Her candidate has a stellar voting record. He can be a centrist, and a fiscal conservative. He also has a high rating from the NRA. He comes from  the Mohawk Valley which is witnessing a resurgence economically, and he is popular among many politicians that are centrist republicans.

Tenney decided to play the ethnicity card to try to discredit Brindisi. Why she did this so early in the campaign makes no sense at all. This kind of logic is something we usually see right before the election to tilt the vote toward the candidate that wants to win using scare tactics. She has shown her hand, which gives Brindisi an advantage. Her mistake gives his campaign insight into her strategy. It also gives the public and secret groups information to combat Tenney's strategy.

One has to wonder how Republican leaders from Italian American roots must feel seeing the race card being played against their heritage. No matter what your party status is, a stereotype like the one Tenney tried to use against Brindisi must bother them, as it is a part of their ancestry. They also have to answer to their Italian American voters.

Anyone supporting Brindisi needs to watch Tenney for mistakes like this one, and education an uninformed electorate they have a choice between a message of hate versus and message of moving the NY 22 forward in a positive direction.

Monday, July 3, 2017

The 22 Is Our Seneca Falls Convention - Part 1 Turning Point

This next election for Congress is without a doubt the most important decision Upstate New York has faced in a very long time. It is a potential Turning Point in history. We will be asked to reverse the poor decisions of Donald Trump as president, along with the legislation that the Republican majority is trying to pass in the House and Senate. All eyes will be on us during this critical time in American History to send a clear message that we will not tolerate the dismantling of Civil Rights that many Americans fought so hard to gain for those most in need. Disavowing the policies of Claudia Tenney, minion of Trump's agenda will send a clear message that Upstate New York rejects the current policies of divisiveness and exclusion of certain groups from basic Civil Rights.

New York State had another similar time in history when a Turning Point was needed. In 1848, delegates met to chart a course of change for Women's Rights. The task has been put upon us once again to reverse the disturbing trends set forth by this administration and Claudia Tenney towards women and other target groups such as LGBTQ, immigrants, and refugees.

Civil Rights has been an evolutionary tale in our nation's history. While never fast enough for those who were disenfranchised, our nation has steadily moved toward a nation of tolerance and inclusion. This current administration along with the Republicans in the House and Senate have tried to reverse the gains from our past. In fact, they have proposed legislation to weaken those who need help the most. From the 22 million that risk losing insurance, to the reproductive rights of women, and finally the rights of LGBTQ communities, this President is moving quickly to weaken the civil rights of individuals most neediest in our nation.

The carnage does not stop there. This legislative majority and the President have weakened environmental laws and caused the United States to isolate itself from the rest of the world. Our partners in peace internationally were once solid in defense of a common cause, have decided to go it alone without the United States. It is a dangerous path and we have a responsibility to say "No, enough is enough."

Electing Anthony Brindisi to the 22nd seat of Congress sends a clear message. That message is that Upstate New York will not tolerate the current trends of legislation that creates inequalities for many while funneling more funds and power to the rich. We are a nation of shared values that include a message of equality and hope for all. Anthony Brindisi is the shining light that can turn the course of history. This election, the nation has called upon Upstate New York once again, to send a clear message that intolerance and hate are unacceptable. If we keep our message concise and clear, we will rise about the c
urrent situation of fear and intolerance that is present in our legislative district and the nation.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

When Was America Great? (For All Americans)

"Make America Great Again!" A very clever and dangerous campaign tactic from the far right. The phrase was most likely inspired by lessons learned from extreme right wing websites that post misnomers like this phrase all the time. Conservative websites have posted similar catch phrases about American culture that have been generally accepted by many including the infamous "All Lives Matter." A response to Black Lives Matter that again implied what is not true, that All Lives Matter, unless you are gay, lesbian, and transgendered. The same people who said All Lives Matter want to restrict their rights.

Why is Make American Great Again a mistruth that people generally accepted as the truth? Simply, it implies America was once great for all Americans. Ask yourself, when was this time in American History that America was great for everyone? The correct answer is never. American has always struggled with inequalities for many groups.

Its a common misconception. Ask a friend or relative, when was America Great? The answers will always be yes and reflect a time period that is special to them. For example, some may answer World War II, the "Greatest Generation Ever." Sure we won the war, and we did stop the spread of fascism. However was America great for all Americans during this time?  World War II was not so great for African Americans living in a segregated south fighting for Democracy. Nor was it great for Japanese Americans placed in internment camps on the west coast.

Some might suggest the Civil Rights Movement was another great time in
American History. Was it? Political assignations, Women's Rights and Pay Equality were examples of inequalities during this time period. (And Now) The South during this time experienced lynching's and church bombings. For many, this time was a terrifying time in American History.

The truth is America was never great for all Americans at any time in American History. It is ironic that since the phrase won the election for Trump, what have we witnessed legislation that is far from great. So far, we have seen executive orders or proposals to have more people go uninsured, the reversal of clean air and water legislation, and the complete cutting of the arts funding. Will this make America Great Again?

Make America Great Again demonstrates how naïve and foolish Americans are when it comes to our own plight. How can 62 million Americans believe in their mind that America was once great for all Americans without realizing such a time never existed? The truth is we have to help 62 million Americans understand they were duped by a very deliberate strategy from the far right. It is foolish to think we can convince all of them, however we have to reduce the number of Americans that fell prey to the manipulation by the far right. All the far right did was to tap into their patriotic feelings due to uncertainty in their minds that things are far from great. We can help American achieve greatness, but helping it understand that for some, America is not so great.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Does Rachel Maddow Really Care About Transparency?

This past week, Rachel Maddow's went after Donald Trump by focusing on leaked information regarding his 2005 tax return. Some may see her as a champion of progressive values and transparency, however I found the report to be hypocritical on many fronts.
  • Trump paid more in taxes than I would have imagined. In fact, there was no smoking gun. He produced thousands of jobs while paying a fair amount to the Federal Government in taxes. Yet, the reporting seemed to indicate a smoking gun. Trump made $150 million in 2005 and that he paid $38 million in taxes, which equaled about 25 percent of his income. In fact, Trump paid more in Federal taxes than previous Presidents.
  • Maddow risked counter arguments that poor people do not pay their fair share in taxes. Many people who perform a minimal amount of work and have children receive huge tax returns in lieu of not contributing their fair share of taxes. Her reporting actually validated stereotypes of the working poor.
  • Rachel Maddow works along side Al Sharpton who for years has owed millions in taxes to the Federal Government. She has never called her colleague to task for not paying his fair share of taxes. Why did Sharpton get a pass for not paying his taxes?

Maddow's reporting is symbolic of partisan politics. Transparency is important on both sides of the aisle. If Maddow wants to be credible, she needs to have the same standards for reporting whether you are a democrat or republican. Until then, she is exactly like her counterparts at Fox News.

A Child's Reality of What is Important

A Child's Reality of What is Important

The YouTube Experiment
